The WIETE received advice on 16 March 2011 informing it that the Global Journal of Engineering Education (GJEE) had been accepted for inclusion in the Scopus journal citation index, which is an Elsevier product. This is a step forward in our endeavour to make the Journal available to a wider global community. The message included the following statement: Coverage in Elsevier products increases dissemination of authors' work via linking technologies which drive additional traffic to individual articles, promoting journal brand awareness, subscription, and pay-per-view sales. In short, the benefits are high visibility to a global audience, fast online dissemination of content and increased exposure and profile for authors, editors and your publishing organization. As widely known by the scholarly international community, the SciVerse Scopus abstract and citation database is the largest of its kind as it includes over 18,000 titles.
Following this development, an application has been prepared and submitted to Elsevier, requesting that they also consider inclusion of the World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education (WTE&TE) in the Scopus index. We have been informed that the title is now ready to be included in the Elsevier review process but that due to a backlog of several thousand titles, the process is likely to take several months. |